To the Birth Parents

Q.I’m pregnant, but unsure whether I should put my child up for adoption or not.

We can help find out what sort of public assistance and other services that you could get. There are also people who have decided to raise the child by themselves during our counselling.


Q.I have children ages five and three in foster care. I don’t think I can take care of them even in the future.

Together we can think about the best option for your children, since there may be better options than adoption for them. We can also help you think what difficulties you have for raising them by yourselves. If you do decide to adopt, we will try to place the children together. 


Q.Does getting advice or a counseling cost money?

For birth parents, advice and counseling are free. Not only phone calls but also you could come by our office or we could travel to see you.


For Those Looking to Adopt

Q.Please tell me about the procedures of how to become a prospective adoptive parent.

For those looking to adopt, we will conduct a home study (this includes individual interviews, interviews as a couple, and a visit to your home).


Q.How long does the home study take?

For many people, it takes between six months and a year.


Q.After getting on the wait list, how long is the wait to adopt?

We cannot guarantee a time frame because we look at the child’s needs and look for the best family for the child. In addition, we cannot promise that there will be a matching.